Bloomin' Crazy

The friendly, but futile, rantings of Daisy the Crazy Cat. Why does the sun go on shining? Why do the birds go on singing? Why does Jimmy crack corn if no one cares?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Bloomin' Crazy

Bloomin' Crazy

Blogging a lot is hard to do

Guess who's back, back again Doohdle's back, tell a friend (with a nod to Eminem)

This blogging thing ain't easy. Especially when your Mom forgets the password AND the logon. But I can't gripe too much. She's promised to fry some bacon for me, so I have to bite my tongue. My pal Ray sent me TWO whole packs for Christmas! Mmmmmm-mmmm! Now, if I can just get Mom to fry it.

There's been a problem with the stove, however. Seems some cat/cats forgot where the litter box is and decided to use the stove burners as their very own pee place. Mom was not happy. I can't blame her. She turned on the stove to cook and the smell of burning cat urine wafted through the kitchen. Mom was yelling and running around trying to turn off the eyes. She opened the door to the screened porch, but it still smelled awful. It took hours for that stench to subside.

Today we got lots of toys for Christmas. I say 'we', but I wasn't too impressed. I'm past the 'mousie' stage, and catnip does nothing for me. But I did love that laser light Mom got us. Wow! That thing is more fun than chasing Sugar up the cat tree! Now if I can just find a way to keep those young-uns out of the way. I see the light, I pounce to attack and one of those goofy kittens gets right in my line of fire.

Speaking of ... they aren't really kittens anymore. They're more like pesky teen-kitties. They eat up the food, make a mess in the LB (cover yer poop!) and steal Mom's attention away from me! But I think two of them are going adios today. I hear Otis and Merlin are getting adopted. Little Otis is a nice little guy. I will miss them. A little. Just a little. Now, if we could just get rid of that *#&$% Lola, my life would be peachy.

Well, time to take a siesta. Ya'll come back now, ya here?